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Coronavirus: Precautionary measures

Coronavirus: Precautionary measures

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Protection concept | COVID-19

Version 01.11.2020


The safety of the guests and employees of CYou in Switzerland GmbH, referred to as CYou in the following text, has the highest priority for the company at all times. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the following protection concept was created.

It is intended to ensure the best possible protection against infection with the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus for everyone involved. The protection concept takes into account the requirements of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).

All parties involved (guests, employees, tour guides and chauffeurs) are obliged to adhere to this protection concept at all times. The management of CYou ensures that all employees of CYou and their partner companies are informed about the protection concept and commit to comply with it.


1 General measures and rules of conduct on tour 3
1.1 Distance 3
1.2 Hand hygiene 3
1.3 Obligation to wear a mask 3
1.4 Information 3
1.6 Rules of conduct on the bus 3
1.7 Behavior outside the bus 4
1.8 COVID-19 4
2 Measures and rules of conduct for tour guides and chauffeurs 4
2.1 Distance and obligation to wear a mask 4
2.2 Welcome by the tour guide 4
2.3 Loading and unloading of luggage by the chauffeur 5
2.4 Cleaning 5
3 Measures and rules of conduct in the office 5


1 General measures and rules of conduct on tour
1.1 Distance

All persons (guests, tour guides and chauffeurs) are obliged to keep a safety distance of 1.50 meters whenever possible. When getting on and off, guests use the back entrance of the bus, if it has one. The first row of seats behind the driver / tour guide remains unoccupied in any case. Unless the guests are traveling by minibus. These are equipped with a Plexiglas pane behind the driver's seat to protect the guests and the chauffeur.
1.2 Hand hygiene
All persons (guests, tour guides, chauffeurs) are obliged to clean their hands regularly. Whenever possible, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water. Since this is not possible everywhere on the bus and at the departure points, the following precautions are taken: A disinfectant dispenser is set up next to the entrance of the bus, which is to be used by the guests when getting on and off. The disinfectant dispenser is carried with you during the entire journey and is placed by the tour guide next to the entrance and exit door at each stop. In addition, the tour guide distributes disinfectant wipes to the guests when they board.
1.3 Obligation to wear a mask
Since it is usually not possible to maintain the safety distance while driving in the bus, all persons are obliged to wear a mask at all times in the vehicle. Guests, tour guides and chauffeurs can bring their own masks. CYou provides hygiene masks free of charge as required. People who do not comply with the obligation to wear a mask can be refused entry or onward travel.
1.4 Information
During the introduction, the tour guide advises the guests of the rules of conduct during the tour in accordance with the recommendations of the FOPH and informs them of the additional protective measures. The information is visible on the outside of the vehicle as well as in the vehicle. The guests are obliged to provide the tour guide with information about their current health situation and to confirm in writing that he / she is not sick with Covid-19 to the best of their knowledge and belief, is currently not subject to the obligation to quarantine and that he / she follows the protection instructions at all times of CYou holds.
1.5 Rules of conduct on the bus
The use of the "board toilet" is not permitted; guests are encouraged to use the toilets before the tour and at the intermediate stops. The guests can choose their seat at the beginning of the tour, whereby it must be ensured that the guests spread out in the vehicle when the capacity is not fully utilized and keep their distance where possible. If necessary, the tour guide can give instructions on choosing a seat. A change of seat during the tour is not permitted. Guests are advised not to leave any rubbish on the bus. The guests should stow away waste themselves and dispose of it at the next stop. However, a lockable rubbish bag is carried on the bus for any waste from the tour guide and the chauffeur. The rubbish bag is completely disposed of after each tour.

1.6 Conduct outside the bus
All persons (guests, tour guides and chauffeurs) are obliged to keep a safety distance of 1.50 meters whenever possible. In the case of intermediate stops and visits within a building, the measures and guidelines given on site apply. The tour guide ensures that the guests are informed about the applicable rules of conduct at all times.
1.7 COVID-19
Sick guests who get COVID-19 in the following 14 days are obliged to inform CYou immediately. CYou will then inform all other participants of the tour directly or via their booking agency.

2 Measures and rules of conduct for tour guides and chauffeurs
2.1 Distance and obligation to wear a mask

The tour guide and the chauffeurs are obliged to maintain the necessary safety distance if possible. Any physical contact such as shaking hands with guests should be avoided. In addition, the tour guide and chauffeurs are obliged to wear a protective mask whenever possible in and outside the vehicle.
2.2 Welcome by the tour guide
The tour guide checks the guests in before the bus. During the check-in and boarding process, the tour guide wears protective gloves, which are provided by CYou. As soon as check-in is complete and all guests are on the bus, the tour guide takes off the gloves and places them in the designated rubbish bag. Then she disinfects her hands. The gloves may only be worn once.
At the greeting in front of the bus, the tour guide informs the guests about the rules of conduct on the tour. In particular, it draws attention to the obligation to wear a mask, the safety distance and hand hygiene. The tour guide also gives the guest a form on the current state of health and a ballpoint pen and ensures that each guest signs this for himself and all fellow travelers for whom he is responsible. The pen must be disinfected by the tour guide after each guest.Before the tour guide speaks to the guests on the bus using a microphone, they ensure that the bus is protected from contamination and droplets with a plastic cover.
2.3 Loading and unloading of luggage by the chauffeur
The chauffeur will assist the guests with loading and unloading their luggage as required. He wears protective gloves, which are provided by CYou. As soon as the work is done, he takes off the protective gloves, places them in the designated rubbish bag and disinfects his hands. The gloves may only be worn once.
2.4 Cleaning
In addition to the normal cleaning of the bus, at the end of each tour the chauffeur disinfects all surfaces with which the guests, the tour guide and the chauffeur came into contact. These include, in particular, grab handles, folding tables and belt buckles and their counterparts.

3 Measures and rules of conduct in the office
The management ensures that all employees in the office are informed about the current rules of conduct. Employees are advised to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis. Disinfectant is also provided. If business operations permit, all employees work from home. If it is necessary to stay in the office, employees and management always ensure that the necessary safety distance of 1.50 meters is maintained.

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